GUM JAM Orange Gummies - Biologisch aktive Multi-Vitamine

GUM JAM Orange Gummies - Biologisch aktive Multi-Vitamine

REDUZIERT PREIS REGULÄR: €54,95 inkl. GRATIS Sachet Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit biologisch aktiven Multi-Vitaminen und Süßungsmitteln Maltit und Sorbit


17,83 € / 100g

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Product description

Vitamin A contributes to the maintenance of normal skin, mucous membranes and vision and to the normal function of the immune system.
Vitamin B1 contributes to normal energy metabolism, normal functioning of the nervous system, the psyche and heart function.
Vitamin B2 contributes to normal energy metabolism, normal functioning of the nervous system, skin and vision. Vitamin B2 contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress and to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
Vitamin B3 contributes to the normal function of the nervous system and the psyche.
Vitamin B6 contributes to the normal function of the nervous system and the psyche, to normal homocysteine, protein and glycogen metabolism, to the regulation of hormone activity and to normal immune function.
Vitamin B12 contributes to normal energy and homocysteine metabolism, normal red blood cell formation, the functioning of the psyche and the immune system and to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. Vitamin B12 has a function in cell division.
Pantothenic acid contributes to normal synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones, vitamin D and some neurotransmitters, to normal energy metabolism and to normal mental performance.
Biotin contributes to the maintenance of normal hair, mucous membranes and skin, to the normal function of the psyche and nervous system and to the normal metabolism of macronutrients
Folic acid contributes to normal amino acid synthesis and normal blood formation, to the normal function of the psyche, the immune system and to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. Folic acid has a function in cell division.
Vitamin C contributes to a normal function of the immune system, normal collagen formation for a normal function of skin, cartilage, bones, teeth and a normal function of the energy metabolism, to a normal psychological function and to the protection of cells against oxidative stress. Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron.
Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of normal bones, normal muscle function and to the normal function of the immune system.
Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.
Vitamin K contributes to normal blood clotting and the maintenance of normal bones.

1 Dose enthält 60 GUM JAM Gummies. Dies reicht für 20 Tage.
3 Gummies pro Tag ist die empfohlene Dosierung.

GUM JAM Orange Gummies enthalten hochwertige biologisch aktive Multi-Vitamine und bieten das komplette Spektrum der wasser- und fettlöslichen Vitamine.

Die biologisch aktiven Vitamine werden auf der Basis von Quinoasprossen, aus Acerolakirschen, dem Pilz Blakeslea trispora und Sonnenblumen gewonnen.

Biologisch aktive Vitamine zeichnen sich durch eine hohe Bioverfügbarkeit aus.


Delicious gummies
For children and adults
Biologically active multi-vitamins
Full spectrum of all vitamins
100% Vegan
Sugar free
No artificial colors and flavors

How to use

Consume 3 x 1 Gummies daily spread over the day.

Important notes: Food supplements are not intended as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
Keep out of the reach of small children.
May have a laxative effect if consumed in excess.

GUM JAM Orange Gummies

Ingredients: Maltitsirup, Sorbitol, Pektin, Wasser, Quinoa Samen Pulver, Quinoa Sprossen Pulver, Acerola Fruchtextrakt, Sonnenblumen, Blakeslea Trispora Pulver, Säuerungsmittel: Zitronensäure, natürlicher Farbstoff, natürliches Aroma, Trennmittel: pflanzliches Öl, Carnaubawachs.

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