3x Day-to-Day Vitamin B Complex Capsules

Vitamin B Complex from Sprouted Quinoa Powder 3-month supply with 3 bottles of 60 capsules each (total 180 capsules).


246,07 € / 100g

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1 can contains 60 capsules. This is enough for 30 days.
2 capsules per day is the recommended dosage.

The DAY-TO-DAY vitamin B complex is obtained from gluten-free quinoa sprouts from controlled organic cultivation. In contrast to synthetic, isolated vitamins, DAY-TO-DAY vitamin B capsules contain all 8 known B vitamins in the form of complexes, each consisting of a large number of biologically active B vitamins, which are otherwise only found in high-quality foods such as wheat germ. Compared to wheat germ, however, the content of organically bound B vitamins in DAY-TO-DAY vitamin B capsules made from quinoa is many times higher.

Common causes of a B vitamin deficiency are a vegan or vegetarian diet, stress, smoking, alcohol and coffee consumption, obesity, intestinal disorders, chronic illnesses and medication. The need for vitamin B is increased during pregnancy.

1 can contains 60 capsules. This is enough for 30 days.
2 capsules per day is the recommended dosage.

The DAY-TO-DAY vitamin B complex is obtained from gluten-free quinoa sprouts from controlled organic cultivation. In contrast to synthetic, isolated vitamins, DAY-TO-DAY vitamin B capsules contain all 8 known B vitamins in the form of complexes, each consisting of a large number of biologically active B vitamins, which are otherwise only found in high-quality foods such as wheat germ. Compared to wheat germ, however, the content of organically bound B vitamins in DAY-TO-DAY vitamin B capsules made from quinoa is many times higher.

Common causes of a B vitamin deficiency are a vegan or vegetarian diet, stress, smoking, alcohol and coffee consumption, obesity, intestinal disorders, chronic illnesses and medication. The need for vitamin B is increased during pregnancy.

1 Dose enthält 60 Kapseln. Dies reicht für 30 Tage.
2 Kapseln pro Tag ist die empfohlene Dosierung.

Der DAY-TO-DAY Vitamin B Komplex wird aus glutenfreien Quinoa-Keimlingen aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau gewonnen. Die DAY-TO-DAY Vitamin B Kapseln enthalten, im Gegensatz zu synthetischen, isolierten Vitaminen, alle 8 bekannten B-Vitamine in Form von Komplexen, die jeweils aus einer Vielzahl biologisch aktiver B-Vitamine bestehen, wie sie sonst nur in hochwertigen Lebensmittel wie Weizenkeimen vorkommen. Im Vergleich zu Weizenkeimen ist der Gehalt an organisch gebundenen B-Vitaminen in den DAY-TO-DAY Vitamin B Kapseln aus Quinoa aber um ein Vielfaches höher.

Häufige Ursachen einer Unterversorgung mit B-Vitamin sind vegane oder vegetarische Ernährung, Stresszustände, Rauchen-, Alkohol- und Kaffeekonsum, Übergewicht, Darmstörungen, chronische Krankheiten und Einnahme von Medikamenten. In der Schwangerschaft ist der Bedarf an Vitamin B erhöht.


  • Vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 contribute to reducing tiredness and fatigue.
  • Vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 contribute to a normal energy metabolism.
  • Vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 contribute to a normal function of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin B1, vitamin B3, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 contribute to a normal mental function.
  • Vitamin B7 contributes to the maintenance of normal hair.
  • Vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6 and vitamin B7 contribute to the preservation of normal mucous membranes and skin.
  • Vitamin B6, vitamin B9 and vitamin B12 contribute to a normal functioning of the immune system.
  • Vitamin B9 contributes to normal amino acid synthesis and hematopoiesis.
  • Vitamin B12 contributes to normal hematopoiesis.
  • Vitamin B5 contributes to normal mental performance.
  • Vitamin B2 and vitamin B6 contribute to the maintenance of normal vision.
  • Vitamin B1 contributes to normal heart function.
  • Vitamin B6, vitamin B9 and vitamin B12 contribute to normal homocysteine metabolism.

Wieder im Griff...

Ich bin so dankbar mein Leben mit diesen Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln wieder so gut in den Griff bekommen zu haben. Natürlich habe ich hier auch andere Lieblinge gefunden für mein Aussehen. Ich Danke Ihnen dafür Dr. Juchheim!

Angela Volz

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