Preis reduziert! Regulärer Preis: 57,95 € inkl. MwSt. Solange der Vorrat reicht. 100% naturreine ätherische Ölkomposition (Mischung) in Bio-Qualität Harmonsierendes, belebendes Aroma
SKU: 1884
118,90 € / 100ml

Black spruce organicIn contrast to simple spruce oil, the scent of black spruce organic has a cool camphor-menthol-like note, similar to the scent of blackcurrant.
Essential spruce oilimpresses with its naturally tart, spicy fresh forest scent. The aroma is calming, relaxing and liberating.
Organic lavenderexudes a wonderfully intense, floral fragrance. Enjoy the pleasantly positive, soothing and harmonizing aroma.
Frankincense Serrata OrganicThe scent of the Indian frankincense Serrata has a fresh, lemony-sweet note and a balancing aroma.
Ylang Ylang Extra Superior Organicis the fragrance for the senses. It is the flower of flowers with a lovely, uplifting, relaxing and wonderful aroma.
Cedarwood Himalaya Organichas a balancing and uplifting woody-warm scent. The oil exudes a wonderful, harmonizing aroma.
The precious essential oil blend in outstanding organic quality combines the scent of frankincense, spruce, black spruce, lavender, ylang-ylang and cedarwood. The unique aroma impresses with a balancing, harmonizing and invigorating note.
- Harmonizing aroma.
- Wonderfully intense fragrance.
- Ideally balanced composition.
- 100% natural.
- Organic quality.
- Simply smell the bottle and enjoy the wonderful aroma.
- Add 3-4 drops to the fragrance lamp with water.
- Add 4 drops to the bath water and relax wonderfully.
- Mix 3 drops into massage oil for a soothing massage.
Instructions for safe use
- Do not allow undiluted drops to come into contact with the skin. Skin irritation is possible.
- Keep out of the reach of children.
- Avoid contact with eyes and inner ear.
- Avoid sunlight and UV rays for at least 12 hours after applying the product.
100% naturreine Ölkomposition: Schwarzfichte Bio, Fichte, Lavendel fein Bio, Weihrauch Serrata Bio, Ylang-Ylang extra superior Bio, Zedernholz Himalaya Bio.
Keine Zusatzstoffe, keine Streckung.

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