Preis reduziert! Regulärer Preis: 69,95 € inkl. MwSt. Solange der Vorrat reicht. 100% naturreine ätherische Ölkomposition (Mischung) in Bio-Qualität Ruhendes Aroma
SKU: 1881
118,90 € / 100ml

Blood Orange Organic
100% natural, essential oil in organic quality, extracted from the peel of the blood orange. Our organic blood orange oil impresses with its sweet and calming aroma.
Clary Sage Organic
100% natural, essential oil in organic quality, obtained by steam distillation from the flowers of the clary sage plant. With its sclareol content, clary sage oil is considered the women's oil par excellence. The aroma convinces with its euphoric, balancing, calming and floral note.
Swiss stone pine organic
100% natural, essential oil in organic quality, extracted from the Swiss stone pine tree of the Alps. Swiss stone pine oil has a fresh, woody and intensely calming fragrance.
Garden Marjoram Organic
100% natural, essential oil in organic quality, extracted from the leaves of the garden marjoram. Garden marjoram oil has a spicy fragrance and a harmonizing aroma.
Patchouli organic
100% natural, essential oil in organic quality, obtained by steam distillation from the patchouli plant. Our patchouli oil impresses with its complex, rich, earthy-sweet fragrance and deeply relaxing aroma.
Vetiver Bourbon Organic
100% naturally pure, organic essential oil extracted from Vetiveria sweet grasses from Reunion Island. Vetiver Bourbon oil captivates with its unique, sweet, slightly earthy, voluminous and floral fragrance. The aroma is calming and relaxing when used in a fragrance lamp.
Cedarwood Himalaya Organic
100% natural, essential oil in organic quality, extracted from the wood of the cedar in the Himalayas. Cedarwood Himalaya oil has a balancing and uplifting woody-warm fragrance. The oil exudes a wonderful, harmonizing aroma.
Petitgrain Mandarin
100% natural essential oil extracted from the leaves, twigs and fruit of the mandarin. The valuable oil of the mandarin convinces with a balancing and calming aroma.
The precious essential oil blend in outstanding organic quality combines the scent of blood orange, clary sage, Swiss stone pine, garden marjoram, patchouli, vetiver bourbon, cedarwood and mandarin. The unique aroma in the combination has a calming, soothing and harmonizing note.
- Balancing, calming aroma.
- Relaxing, intense fragrance.
- Ideally balanced composition.
- 100% natural, no additives, no aromas, no extenders.
- Simply smell the bottle and enjoy the relaxing aroma.
- Spray 3 drops on your pillow and gently fall asleep.
- Add 5 drops to the fragrance lamp with water.
- Mix 3 drops into massage oil or a cream for a relaxing massage.
Instructions for safe use
- Do not bring undiluted into contact with the skin. Skin irritation is possible.
- Keep out of the reach of children.
- Avoid contact with eyes.
- Avoid sunlight and UV rays for at least 12 hours after application.
100% naturreine, ätherische Ölkomposition mit folgenden wertvollen Ölen: Blutorange Bio, Muskatellersalbei Bio, Zirbelkiefer Bio, Garten Majoran Bio, Patchouli Bio, Vetiver Bourbon Bio, Zedernholz Himalaya Bio, Petitgrain Mandarine. Keine Zusatzstoffe, keine Hilfsstoffe, keine Aromen, keine Streckung.

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