Carnation Eugenia caryophyllata
Preis reduziert! Regulärer Preis: 27,95 € inkl. MwSt. Solange der Vorrat reicht. 100% naturreines, ätherisches Öl, gewonnen mittels Wasserdampfdestillation aus der Knospe des Nelkenbaumes in unberührter Natur auf Madagaskar.
SKU: 1875
118,90 € / 100ml

In the Middle Ages, clove essential oil was as precious as gold, which led to fierce spice wars.
The aroma of clove essential oil exudes a relaxing, liberating and invigorating scent.
Clove oil can also repel insects. It contains around 80% eugenol, which has a calming and protective effect on the skin.
The valuable essential oil of the clove tree has been used in a variety of ways for centuries.
- Relaxing, liberating and invigorating aroma.
- Against insects.
- For healthy gums.
- Heavenly relaxation.
- Add 2-3 drops together with water to the fragrance lamp.
- Add 1-2 drops to 50 ml carrier oil and apply to the skin (massage).
- Add 1 drop to 125 ml of water and gargle for healthy gums.
- Put 1 drop on the toothbrush before applying toothpaste. The oil gives fresh breath.
- Add 1 drop to 125 ml of drinking water and drink slowly.
- Add 5 drops to bath water.
Instructions for safe use
- Only use diluted. Do not take more than one drop a day.
- Keep out of the reach of small children.
- Avoid contact with eyes.
- Consult a doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
100% naturreines ätherisches Nelkenöl in Bio Qualität.

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